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Activating Positive Memories | Steve Ramirez & Xu Liu | TEDxBoston

Xu Liu and Steve Ramirez gave their second Ted talk at TedxBoston on October 2, 2014. The talk is entitled Activating Positive Memories. The talk is about how activating positive memories in the mouse brain could reduce depression-like symptoms.

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. What to be optimistic about on the frontiers of brain research.

Dr. Xu Liu received his Ph. D. from Baylor College of Medicine, where he studied the molecular and cellular mechanisms of learning and memory using the fruit fly as a model system. He then established a system in the mouse model, where neurons involved in a particular memory can be labeled and later activated by light stimulation. Together with his collaborators Steve Ramirez and others, they found that activating these labeled cells was sufficient to induce the recall of the memory, and also they could alter the memory by manipulating these cells.

11 November 2014